Friday, April 16, 2010

Random Ramblings...

Well, it's a rainy Friday here in the Texas panhandle. We don't get many of those so it's kind of nice! It's been an interesting couple of weeks around the 'ol office lately. I met the Lt. Gov. of Texas last week and one of the candidates for governor this morning. Of course, I was running late! I even slept through my morning workout...I must have been tired! My alarm was set for 5 a.m. and I didn't even move until 7 a.m. My workout partner didn't either, though; no harm, no foul, I guess. In the morning we're running a local 10K, but there is a 60% chance of rain so we may get a little wet!

I've been nesting/Spring Cleaning like a pregnant person! I've been through both dressers, both my closets, under our bed and the bed in the extra bedroom and I've been vaccum sealing all the winter clothes I find! I still feel like there should be more space, empty space. I have an entire room full of stuff to give away.

As a few of you know, when Marty and I got married we started with a "4 year family plan". As we draw near to the end of that "plan," I've been doing a lot of research (because I'm Type A and it's what I do). is an A-MAZING resource! There is all sorts of useful information to be found there. I am close to reaching one my savings goals and felt so good about that until I read that the first year of a baby's life is estimated to cost almost $10,000! YiKeS! Which leads me to another site that one of my friends clued me in on It's an online money managing resource that has different calculators, articles and tips geared specifically at women. Thanks, Kristen! It has some great information as well!

Do any of you have online resources similar to either of these that you use on a regular basis??? I might as well have all the information/help I can get! : )

I haven't done a Quotable Friday in awhile so here you go...

"Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me." - Carl Sandburg

I need to take that one to heart!

Happy Friday All! Hope you have a FaBuLoUs weekend!

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Ashley said...

Aww, Cass! How exciting that you guys are thinking about/getting ready for that big next step!

LWLH said...

Yay...Make a Baby Heels&Boots! :)

erin f. said...

I can tell you that in no way do I think we have spent anywhere near $10,000 on Ellie! Not even close. You will get EVERYTHING you need from showers and friends and family. I have honestly noticed no drop in our bank account since we had her. But it is such a good idea to be prepared! I think you would LOVE being a mom!

Poolside with the Girls said...

Wow $10,000. I don't think we spent that in my child's first year of life but I was tired and slept a lot! I may have missed something.

I agree with Erin though, you will get most of what you need from baby showers and so on. Maybe that inlcudes day care?

Either way, this is an exciting time!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I don't have any specific sites that I use for managing my money but I'm totally type A when it comes to savings and making plans. Good luck with the run!

Taylor-Made Wife said...

ummm, yeah, you're right, we must have been seperated at birth. Thanks for the sites!! Hopefully we will be going through all of this together!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

The gals are right, you get most of the stuff ya need that first year, but it never hurts to be prepared. I so understand that!!!

Have fun, relax and go get pregnant! This is gonna be fun, I'm so excited for you both.

God bless and have yourself a terrific Tuesday!!!

Lisa said...

Okay so first off - exciting that you guys are thinking about a family. Secondly, the money comes. It just does. Plus 10,000 sounds high... maybe thats an average or something. And it't not like you fork over the money the day they are born. Just pray about it and you guys will do it at the right time and things will fall into place. Trust me!