Friday, July 24, 2009

It's Finally Friday...

And I am so glad...the fitness boot camp saga continued this week. We started back Monday morning. It was unusually cloudy and I was not in the mood to be running my little arse off. I would have much rather been in bed. I worked out hard last week, but Monday still left me gasping for air.

Wednesday we did circuits which were a little easier. I still feel like I should be in better shape by now. This morning we did a lot of running and the usual aerobics like moves with our weights.

I had planned on swimming laps on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, but I didn't have the motivation.

The good news is IT'S FRIDAY! The hubs and I are going grocery shopping after work and then going to fix dinner and watch a movie. It's been awhile since we've done anything just the two of us. Tomorrow my parents' are having a cookout so I guess we'll head south for that.

I hope you all have a great weekend! I made a little better attempt at blogging this week, but still would like to be back to blogging every day.

I have a bloggie question. Do y'all add everyone that you "follow" to your blog roll so it's viewable or clickable from your actual blog page? I almost feel guilty if I don't and like having them just a click that odd? But, it's gotten to the point that I have SO many on my blog roll that I don't have time to add them all.

Enough rambling...ta ta for now!

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Shannon Dew said...

Hope you have a great weekend!

As far as adding everyone, I try to at least look at all my followers blogs and then decide if it's something I'm going to follow. Most of them I do follow though!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Oh! I love date nights where you just stay in! Have fun!!

And to answer your blog question...I just keep up with all the blogs I follow through my dashboard blog reader. I have considered putting up a sidebar so they're all a click away, just haven't yet.

High Heels and Huntin' Boots said...

I may have used the wrong "blog roll" I meant the blogs that I follow and I guess it's "blog reader" not "roll". Obviously, I didn't mean the 19 followers I have. That's not that much to keep up with...I mean the ones that currently update on my dashboard. Ok, I feel better...I didn't mean for it to sound like, "Oh, I have SO many followers I can't keep up!" *LOL* Because we all know that isn't true!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I look at them through my dashboard too. I have a blog roll separately. Does that make sense? TGIF!

erin f. said...

I am jealous that you can work out...I can't WAIT to work out! Never thought those words would be coming out of my mouth!