Thursday, April 2, 2009

There's a Stirring Deep Within Me...

I have a friend who started a site called Wrecked for the Ordinary. You can check it out here:

Jeff is a dear friend of mine who helped grow my spiritual life immensely. We met the summer I worked at Camp Balcones Springs. He now facilitates missionaries and is a founder of the website.

My sophomore year of college I took a class called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Afterwards, I felt a deep call to mission work. However, I still had college left and since I'm an only child my parents were not for the idea. Granted, they are super overprotective, but I've never been one to go against my parents wishes so I stayed in school and never got to take that leap of faith.

I just read the following story...something in it pulls at my heartstrings. The idea of being a World Racer even just for a few months is an amazing opportunity I'd love to take...

What does Truth revealed amongst prostitutes look like?

Check it out here (paste in your browser): - The WR Crew


C said...


Sorry We missed you and Marty last weeekend in Oklahoma. I couldn't make it and Nadine was on call all weekend. Keep me posted the next time you go, we will try to work it out.


Jeff Goins said...

Years later, I'm rereading this and deeply honored to be your friend. Thanks for who you are.