Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Jori & the kittens have arrived...

This past weekend, my dear friend, Jori, whom I met at Kadesh at ACU when we were still in high school came to visit. She has been in North Carolina for the last few years and now she's looking at going to work with refugees in China.

She didn't get in until late Friday night so we slept in late Saturday and I fixed breakfast, then we stopped by the barn to see Marty before he took Gus for a little spin.

We headed to the walking bridge and then took Honey to the river. She had a ball.

Before we went to eat...

We had a little suprise Saturday morning. Cowboy woke me up around 4:30 a.m. and I set up the pop-up kennel for her and put her in the laundry room. When Marty got up she had had two kittens and another one would come a bit later. They are SO cute!

Here's Marty holding the tabby one.

Cowboy had three kittens in all. One looks exactly like her, bobbed tail and all. Then there is a solid tabby with a tail and then a second tabby that's got both some yellow and gray markings and it's a bobbed tail as well.

Sunday after church we headed to Mom and Dad's to do a little outdoor "playing".

Here's my two favorite cowboys...

Lily down at Dad's office...

Jori doin' a little four wheelin'